To prolong the life of your waxed concrete floor, we suggest to protect it  with an impregnator and to embellish it afterwards with an emulsion. 

1 - Your floor has to be completely clean and dry. Apply Anti Stain Impregnator Louis XIII in 2 crossing coats with a 12 hour waiting period between the applications. Easy application with our Flat Mop VALMOUR or a large Paint Brush. The impregnator offers perfect protection against water, oil and grease penetration but without modification of the appearance of your floor.

2 - Afterwards, for added protection and to give a warmer tone to your floor, you can apply  Varnishing Emulsion Tiles and Marble AVEL, in 1 coat for a wet waxed appearance and 2 coats  for a shiny appearance. Afterwards, use the specially formulated Metallic Wax Shampoo Tiles and Marble AVEL for easy and economical care.
For easy and effortless application of these products, use our Rotating Mop below, without needing to stoop or to wet your hands ! 
PS: Before applying the first coat of Varnishing Emulsion Tiles and Marble AVEL, it is advisable to prepare your floor with Emulsion Stripper AVEL to eliminate any previously applied products and to neutralize the PH.