If you are confronted with a fly invasion, Valmour proposes several solutions which can be complementary :

1 -  Shock treatment :

In case of a massive infestation, it is sometimes necessary to radically decontaminate the premises. This is the function of our single use Smoke Insecticide SUPERTOX. Afterwards, the premises will be cleared of all flies having been in contact with the smoke.
For large volumes, choose PROFYR to treat up to 250 m3.


2 - Long term treatment :

Depending on the origin of the flies, it is often necessary to locally treat the areas of passage or laying of eggs :
- In case of a massive invasion, use our NOXIDE Concentrate. Its extremely concentrated formula permits to obtain 5 litres of a powerful insecticide to apply with a Duster below, with a shock effect lasting 8 to 10 weeks on the surfaces which have been treated.
- In case of light infestation, use our Special Insecticide Flying Insects ORKA Jet Spray. It is particularly persistent and allows the destruction of flies for several weeks.

- Finally, for maximum efficiency and long term protection, we propose our Automatic Refillable Diffuser, which can be pre-set to diffuse at chosen intervals an insecticide without danger for warm-blooded beings.


Afterwards, it is advisable to treat the source of origin of the flies. Unfortunately, it is often difficult to control ( animal breeding, rubbish dump etc..). We recommend to place a few natural traps :

- Fly Paper Ribbons : not very attractive, but very efficient.
- Insect Grill VALMOUR

Don't forget to treat your apparent beams which often provide shelter for fly eggs. Use Xenol to obtain radical protection.