To give a new life to leather which has suffered from humidity and shows traces of mould even after cleaning, Valmour recommends to proceed in 2 steps :

1- cleaning:

First, thoroughly clean your leather with Renomat which cleans, takes off stains and disinfects. This steps allows to recuperate the leather by destroying the fungi. If it is stiff, use Softener Etalon Noir with neatsfoot oil to soften it.

2- leather embellishment :
- if it is smooth and discoloured, apply Juvacuir. This renovating product allows you to embellish the leather and re-pigment it. It does not contain any greases, which are to be avoideded because they nourish the fungi.
- if the leather is not discoloured, opt for Balm Etalon Noir.
- for greasy leather, apply Cream Shoe Polish Greasy Leather Saphir which will give it back its silky appearance.

Protect your hands with the Black Nitrile Gloves below!