Glazing of Leather Shoes

- Work carried out on dark brown Crocket & Jones boots by Salon Cireur DEVOIR DE COURT Paris -

Glazing consists in applying a paste polish in a particular manner in order to obtain a unique shiny appearance. Up to now, Polish Pate de Luxe Saphir Médaille d'Or was the reference product and required patience and know-how. From now on, glazing will be much easier and less time-consuming with Polish MIRROR GLOSS Saphir Medaille d'Or. MiRROR GLOSS is specially formulated for demanding professionals to quickly a create perfect glazing thanks to a formula containing waxes specially selected for hardness and shine. These waxes like Montan wax, carnauba- and beeswax are blended with natural fatty solvents like turpentine measured out to the minimum.
The glazing action is carried out on the toe and heel of a shoe only, excluding the areas which fold when you walk. The shoes must be clean and correctly polished. With the help of a Cloth wrapped around your fingers, apply a mixture of paste and lukewarm water (not too much) in a light circular massage. This allows to warm up the leather and open its pores. With a little patience the glazing  will "take" and become more and more easy to obtain in the future.
Use our Water Drop Dispenser to easily obtain small drops of water on your fingertips.
Afterwards, for easy maintenance you can use a stocking like our Stocking for Glazing Maintenance to repolish the surface, followed again by MIRROR GLOSS and water applied with a cloth.

Video of Mr. Fabrice Rungi - Crockett and Jones (Boulevard Raspail PARIS 7):

Protect your hands with Black Nitril Rubber Gloves below !