Insecticide Special Cockroaches ORKA Spray
NEWShock action. Long-lasting effect for 4 months. Neutral expellant/repulsive. Does not stain. Destroys : cockroaches, bugs, fleas, silverfish, centipedes, woodlice, scorpions, spiders. Possibility to pulverize upside down. Propellant Co2 without greenhouse effect. Please note:- Before use, make sure it is essential, especially in areas frequented by the general public. Whenever possible, use alternative methods and products presenting the lowest risk to ...

Insecticide Special Flying Insects ORKA Jet Spray
Micronized. Shock action. Long-lasting. Fresh fragrance. Does not stain.Persistance from 6 to 8 hours. Destroys : flies, mosquitos, wasps, hornets, spiders, clothes moth, fleas...Remarks:- Before using an insecticide, make sure that this is absolutely necessary, in particular for premises used by the public. If possible, always prefer altenative methods and products with the lowest risk for human and animal ...

Insecticide Auto-Destroyer ORKA Jet Spray
One-time use !To destroy all flying or crawling insects. Its devastating gas allows a shock action on all kinds of insects, eggs, grubs...Percussion spray, one-time use.For precaution, do not leave birds, animals, fish tanks or green plants in the room to be treated.Protect dishes and food. - 150 ml : up to 100 m3 equivalent to 40 m².The efficiency of ...

Insecticide Special Mites and Larvae ORKA Aerosol
NEWReinforced shock effect eliminates moths and textile larvae rapidly and prevents their reproduction. With its dry formula, ORKA Special Moth & Larvae Insecticide does not wet or stain affected surfaces. Spraying ensures optimum dispersion of the product in the room, with a discreet, pleasant scent. Please note: - Before use, make sure it is essential, especially in areas frequented by the general ...

Insecticide Special Fleas ORKA Spray
Destroys all flea infestations, or crawling insects on wooden floors, carpets and other flooring. Kills larva. Use as a shock treatment before applying the Special Fleas Orka Jet Vaporiser (see advice card on the bottom of the page). Remarks :- does not stain.- average capacity 30 m² or 75 m3.- non-inflammable propellant 134A.- unique use, meaning complete use in ...

Insecticide Special Spiders ORKA Spray
Very efficient anti-spider insecticide. Special Spiders ORKA contains a highly concentrated active element and will quickly eliminate the spiders.Remarks :- Shock action. Long-lasting effect. - Neutral colour repulsive. Discreet fragrance. - Does not stain.- Before using an insecticide, make sure that this is absolutely necessary, in particular for premises used by the public. If possible, always prefer altenative methods ...

Inscticide Anti-Wasp and Hornet ORKA Jet Spray
Instant destruction of wasp, hornet... nests or all massive infestation of flying or crawling pests. Far-reaching jet of 4 metres. Propellant Co2 without greenhouse effect. Neutral, does not stain, harmless for humans and warm-blooded animals.Remarks :- Also available as a Concentrate NOXIDE C+ below to treat larger swarms.-Use biocide products with caution. Before use, read the label and ...

Insecticide Special Fleas ORKA Vaporizer
Destroys all flea infestations, or crawling insects on wooden floors, carpets and other flooring. Kills larva. Remarks : ...