We suggest different products for different scenarios:
1- for the punctual destruction of a spider:
Use our Special Spiders ORKA Jet , which is available as a 500 ml vaporizer. It is particularly efficient due to its very far-reaching jet which allows to reach the spider without having to get too close, and is efficient if the spider is in a high position or difficult to reach.
2- To eliminate a massive infestation in a building:
- It is advisable to start with a shock treatment by using Smoke Insecticide SUPERTOX (for rooms up to 30 m²) or Fumigator Insecticide PROFYR (up to 40 m²). This allows a treatment of the complete volume of a room and its height in particular, and will eliminate even very small spiders which aren't always easy to detect.
- Afterwards, use the Special Spiders ORKA Jet Vaporiser to spray on floors, plinths, cracks...everywhere you see spiders and everywhere they could hide. The product leaves a film which will be efficient for several weeks.
For more important surfaces, choose the Polyvalent Insecticide KING by using a 5 liter Duster below to spray.
Tel. : +33 (0)5 45 70 80 80
For any professional use of this advice card, please contact us.