To change the colour of a leather handbag,  even into a lighter colour, re-colouring products only are not sufficent. You need to use a dye and  the following  two solutions are available: : 

1 - To change from a light to a darker colour : use Liquid Dye Teinture Française Liquide Saphir, a very liquid hydroalcoholic formula which will penetrate the leather in-depth, the  solution of the highest quality because the leather is deep-dyed. Afterwards, it is necessary to apply a finish with one of the polishes, which will serve for everyday maintenance. Cannot be used to make a colour change from a dark colour to a light one, not suitable for fabric.

2 - To change from a darker to a lighter colour : use
COLOR DYE Tarrago, an acqueaous formula with great covering power, to make the colour change towards a lighter colour without any problem. Does not require a finish, also suitable for synthetic leather and fabric.

Please find below the details on how to proceed.
To begin with, give your leather a thorough cleaning to be able to work on leather which is perfectly clean and greaseless. Check the presence of sebum on areas in contact with the skin, and eliminate them with Stain Remover HUSSARD Spray Leather and Textile. Let work for 1 hour, then use Cleaning Regenerating Soap AVEL to clean the whole leather surface. this soap will perfectly eliminate any dirt and open the leather pores.

Afterwards, use a dye :

SOLUTION 1: change the colour from light to dark 
a- Preparation : with the help of Stripper Saphir which will allow the liquid dye Teinture Français Liquide to perfectly attach to and penetrate the leather. 
b-Dyeing : apply a first coat of Teinture Française Liquid Dye by starting on the least accessible areas (pleats, junctions). Only afterwards dye the larger and more accessibles flat surfaces. Do not pass twice in the same spot without letting it dry first,  and do not overcharge the leather. Buff with a Shamois Cotton Cloth to remove the surplus.
On light coloured leather, if necessary, apply a second coat after a 3 hour waiting period.

c- Finishing : after the use of liquid dye which has a tendency to dry up the leather, you must nourish your leather to give it back its shine. Choose one of the following products :
- Dye Juvacuir Saphir if you want to intensify the depth of the colour,
Lotion Saphir Médaille d'Or  in neutral if the colours suits you, to add a beautiful shine.
Pigmenting Cream AVEL which is the solution of the highest quality. Each coat has to be fixed with Pigmenting Cream Fixing Liquid AVEL to strengthen and fix the colour.

SOLUTION 2 : change the colour from dark to light.
Use COLOR DYE Tarrago for this type of colour change. This dye is delivered in 2 bottles, containing a dye preparer and the actual dye. Follow the instructions for use which are very simple.

- If your leather has never received any care and nourishment, it is often very dry. Before recolouring, rehydrate your leather for a much better result. In this case, we recommend after cleaning to nourrish your leather with Delicate Cream Polish Saphir, an acqueous formula which hydrates and openes the leather pores, to prevent rings and for easier cleaning in case of excess product or a wrong colour.

- For the future care of your leather item, consult the advice card "Care for Leather Handbags"

- If you want us to renovate your leather handbag for you, order our
Test For Quote for Leather Renovation. After your leather has been tested in our lab and after the procedure has been ratified by our technicians, an estimate will be validated for you. 

Protect your hands with the
Black Nitrile Rubber Gloves below! 

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